Inadequate reintegration support for juvenile delinquents and offenders

In Kenya, more than 1,000 children enter rehabilitation school (‘reformatory’ in Japanese context) per annual. However, many juvenile delinquents tend to commit crimes again after they complete rehabilitation school since rehabilitation support for them in Kenya are inadequate.
Children suffering from invisible child abuse and neglect

Some children run away from home due to child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect are often invisible issues in the society. In 2019, the Child Help Line 116 in Kenya received 963 consultations nationwide. In 2020, the number of consultation cases has risen to 550 by May, partly due to the Covid-19. However, the number is just a part of it. Many children cannot ask help, and people also have no idea to help them when they find the child abuse and neglect cases. Children who run away from home tend to become street children, be forced to engage in child labor and/or get pregnant. Since they need to survive, they sometimes commit petty crimes such as stealing. If they grow up without any supports or care and love, they, as a parent, are more likely to commit child abuse and/or neglect.
Radicalization of delinquent children and youth who are isolated from society

A high incidence of terrorism and security instability have become major social issues in Kenya recently. One of the reasons for this is children are often in the environment that they are easy to commit crimes. The social neglect of child offenders is one of the reasons. Delinquent children who are isolated from society are recruited by gangsters and terrorist organizations to commit more extreme crimes.
Prevention of child abuse and early pregnancy of girl children

Urban migration resulted in the situation that grandparents often raise the children instead of their parents especially in the rural environment, but they are not likely to manage and provide proper parenting for them. As a result, children could get involved in sexual activities. Sexual activities lead the children to early and unplanned pregnancies and sexual related criminal offenses. Massive awareness raising regarding the issues and law implications, especially children Act as well as Sexual Offences Act should be necessary. Thus, Mirai Future of Kenya currently implementing the community capacity building for tacking with the issue of child pregnancy in cooperation with the local administrations in Mwala-Sub-County, Machakos County.