The Mission
The mission of Mirai Future of Kenya is to promote a society in which as many Kenyan children as possible become valued productive and proactive adults with self esteem who interact freely with the rest of the society.
The main objectives of Mirai Future of Kenya are;
1) realize child protection mechanism in the community;
2) enhance effective rehabilitation and reintegration of children in conflict with the law and youthful offenders through awareness creation and capacity building of the human resources in the community.
The Approach
Mirai Future of Kenya has been working with government institutions, nongovernmental organizations, communities and individuals to create a society free of anti-social behavior and other negative influences that affect children and youth.
Mirai Future of Kenya supports marginalized children enhance child protection system through the empowerment of the Kenyans’ local community.

The issues Mirai Future of Kenya is tackling with
We, Mirai Future of Kenya, was initially established with the purpose of supporting rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law in the community, and more largely, children who were affected by child abuse and/or child neglect in the society of Kenya. In Kenya, more than 1,000 children are admitted in the rehabilitation schools/Borstal Institutions (Juvenile corrective training centre) annually. However, many juvenile delinquents tend to commit crimes again after discharges from rehabilitation school since rehabilitation/reintegration supports for them in the community are not sufficient in Kenya.
Current Project with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) – Early pregnancy prevention
We commenced “Project for enhancing community capacity in the prevention of early pregnancy of girl children in Mwala Sub-County, Machakos County, the Republic of Kenya in September 2021” as JICA Partnership Program. As a first part of the project, we have been implementing training of child protection (Prevention of sexual abuse and early pregnancy, and Law implication on a child sexual intercourse) for the selected community volunteers in the 13 targeted Sub-counties, cooperating with the local community, government administrators, and experts.
Our achievement
The organization implemented numerous community-based trainings and awareness raising meetings for the local community members geared towards crime prevention, violence and abuses against children in Kenya.

We have trained 100 Volunteer Probation Officers (currently Community Probation Volunteers) so far.
Approximately 100 Kenyan probation Probation Officers have been selected through community participation and trained them in Machakos County. They were eventually actively involved in the rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents in the local community.

More than 2000 participants from the local community
More than 2,000 people have participated in community/public awareness meetings (barazas) to discuss with other residents the importance of proper parenting and the issues surrounding juvenile delinquency and to elect volunteer probation officers. We work with people who are engaged in the varied sectors in the communities.

Training for 32 Volunteer Probation Officers and 14 probation officers in Kajiado and Nakuru.
We conducted training of 18 volunteer probation officers (VPOs) in Kajiado and Nakuru Counties who had not been fully active as VPOs for 10 years, to revitalize their activities. 14 probation officers were also trained at the same time. We have strengthened the partnership between the two sides to ensure that the probation system is properly administered between them.