Evaluation Report
“Enhancing Community Capacity in the prevention of early pregnancy of girl children in Mwala Sub County , Machakos County , Republic of Kenya”
funded by JICA Tokyo, under the JICA Partnership Programme , September 2021-on going

“Project for promoting Community based child protection activities undertaken by Child Protection Volunteers in Athi-river sub-County, Kenya”
funded by Lush Japan Charity Bank, July 2019-March 2021

“Project for enhancing Community Based Supervision, Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Juveniles and Youthful Offenders in Machakos County, Kenya”
funded by JICA Tokyo, under the JICA Partnership Programme, July 2018-July 2020

“VPOs’ involvement in juveniles and youthful offenders’ supervision in the community in Kajiado and Nakuru county”
funded by Niwano Peace Foundation, August 2017-July 2018

Projects funded by donations from the public
The emerging issue: Assisting people and children in the informal settlement during Covid-19.

Individual education support
We, Mirai Future of Kenya, would like to further develop our activities and carry out activities to foster the power to protect children in cooperation with various stakeholders in the communities. In addition,
We are providing individual support for children, adolescents who are vulnerable and socially marginalized. We are assisting secondary school students hail from desperate family environment with serious poverty. We selected students with recommendation children offices as well as probation offices by considering detailed information on family background collected by the community volunteers, such as Child Protection Volunteers.